Our alliance with Plan International has provided support to over 600 people
The crisis generated by the spread of Covid-19 and its social and economic consequences, has aggravated the situation of thousands of people in Spain. Fundación Adsis joined to collaborate with Plan Internacional in their campaign #QueNadieSeQuedeFuera in search of curb the impact of the pandemic on the most vulnerable families.
The program focused its objective on providing support to 2,000 adolescents at risk of exclusion and their families, reinforcing their training actions in socio-labor competencies for and young women, ensuring their Internet connection through digital solutions. In addition, offering psychosocial support via telephone and online to adolescents and their families to manage situations of stress and uncertainty, and financial assistance to families to ensure their access to basic necessities, such as food or hygiene products.
The educational break has aggravated previous, educational and social gaps, and vulnerable adolescents now face a greater risk of dropping out of school, which will worsen their labor insertion, added to a greater burden of care and domestic tasks and an increase in exposure to various forms of violence: sexual, domestic or cyberbullying.
Fundación Adsis continues to work in seven provinces with activities to support families, with which they are provides support, educational reinforcement, emotional management, psychological support, orientation and socio-occupational training, psychotherapies for people with addictions, social mentoring, help in basic necessities and tech nological, educational leisure and financial aid.
Through this collaboration with Plan Internacional more than 600 families have been accompanied , with support especially focused on minors and teenagers.